Monday, September 27, 2010

Winter Flowers for North India(Sep-March)

Mesembryanthemum(Mid Day Flower) or Barf(ice) Plant

1. Mesembryanthemum(Mid Day Flower) commonly called as Barf or ice plant.
Type: Semi Perinials
Sun: Full sun.
Soil: Rich, loose soil that drains well.
Fertilizer: Use organic fertilizer like vermi-compost(Kechua khaad)/cow dung manure when planting them, then once a month after that.
Watering: Never keep your plant dry. Keep the soil moist to slightly dry. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week.
When to sow the seeds: When temp is around 18-20 degree i.e around end of Feb End- March(When winter is at lowest point),
Grow them in containers away from cold area. Once they are grown, then transplant them in the flower bed.
Note: if you get good sun in winter around january, then start preparing for seed planting.

When to expect flowers:Spring (March to April)

1. Plants them in sunny area and close to each other.
2. Plants in the corner areas to get more beauty
3. They are delicate, but bright flowers and add alot to the beautu of the garden.
4. Dont overwater and keep the soil moist.

2. Phlox :- can be grown in shade


Phlox are grown from seeds. Phlox seeds can be directly seeded into your flower garden or seeded indoors for transplanting later. For spring blooms, start indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost. Young seedlings will transplant well into their permanent home.

Sow Phlox seeds early in the season and cover lightly with 1/8" of fine garden or potting soil. Water thoroughly once.

Transplant Phlox into your garden after the last frost date for your area. Space them 8-10" apart. They will tolerate a little crowding. They will look great filling in a flowerbed, or as a border edging.


How to Grow Phlox Plants:
Type: Perinials
Sun: Full sun.
Soil: Rich, loose soil that drains well.
Fertilizer: Use organic fertilizer like vermi-compost(Kechua khaad)/cow dung manure when planting them, then once a month after that.
Watering: Never keep your plant dry. Keep the soil moist to slightly dry. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week.
Pruning: Cut the  tall stems to promote a bushier appearance.
When to sow the seeds: Feb End- March(When winter is at lowest point), Grow them in containers away from cold area. Once they are grown, then transplant them in the flower bed.
When to expect flowers:Spring to Summer

1. Remove spent blooms to promote additional blooms and extend the blooming period all summer long, and right up to the first killing frost. This will also keep the appearance neat and beautiful.
2. Phlox are hardy annuals. They will often survive the first few light frosts. They will not survive a hard frost or freeze.
3. You can try them in hanging basket with multiple colors of phlox. Try to get the hybrid ones.

3. Helichrysum(Paper Flower)

Common Names:
Some of the common names for Helichrysum include Curry plant, Immortelle, Licorice plant and Strawflower.

How to grow Curry plant (helichrsum)
When growing curry plants and other Helichrysum members sow the seed on the surface after the last frost of spring. It may be best to start growing curry plants (Helichrysum) indoors first to get a head start. The growing process should start about 8 weeks before putting the plant outdoors a few weeks after the last frost of spring. Germination will take from one to three weeks and should be performed in the light at a temperature of about 18 to 23 degrees Centigrade. Once the seedlings are ready for transplanting they should be spaced at about 20cm apart (small varieties) to 40cm apart (larger species). Helichrysum prefer to grow in sunny areas with a sandy soil of pH6 to 7, though they will tolerate poor soil too.

Caring for Curry plants in the garden
Once growing if you require more curry plants then cuttings can be took in the summer, or simply let the curry plant set seed, and allow it to grow itself. An interesting trick with Helichrysum is to remove all the flowers but one on each inflorescent stem; this will reduce in single big flowers atop each stem.

4. CornFlower(Centaurea)

5. Gazania

This perennial (meaning it grows back year after year) has daisy-like flowers in white and shades of yellow, orange and pink that bloom in late spring and early summer.
Difficulty: Easy

Planting Gazania
1 Plant Gazania in full sun and well-drained soil.

2 Add a light application of organic fertilizer to the planting hole.

3 Place the plants no deeper than they were growing in the containers.

4 Set the plants 6 to 9 inches apart.

5 Mulch around but not on top of the plants with 3 inches of organic compost.

6 Water well until soil is completely moist.

7 Start seed directly in the garden in early spring or indoors four weeks before the last frost date.

Choosing Gazania
1 Look for plants at nurseries in spring through fall, and seed all year round.

2 Buy gazania in 4-inch to 1-gallon containers or as seed.

3 Choose healthy-looking plants with signs of new growth in leaf and flower bud.

Caring for Gazania
1 Remove old foliage in spring using bypass pruners to cut off the old stems.

2 Apply a light application of organic fertilizer on top of the soil; follow package directions.

3 Mulch around but not on top of the plants with 3 inches of organic compost in spring.

4 Water well weekly until soil is completely moist in summers with no rainfall.

6. Sweet peas

7. Salvia :- can be grown in shade and acts as backgraoud to small plants. Generally in red color

8. Cineraria :- Beautiful plant. grows in shade and give different color of flower depending on PH value of soil.

9. Panzy: grows in shade. Prefer Double panzy

10.Verbena :- grows in shade.

11. CandyTuft

13. Alyssum:- Popularly called as "Chandni top". can be grown as small hedge and available in white and purple color.

15. Antirrhinum:- Popularly called as "Dog Flower"

17. Dahlia:- Many Variety come in this flower and Can be part of theme garden. Needs sun. Must have in the gardens

18. Chrysanthemum:- Called as "guldaudi". Also comes in different variety and colors. Needs sun.Must have in the gardens. They come in so many varieties that for this Chrysanthemum shows are organized.

19. Tulip

20.Carnation or Dianthus :- One of my Favourite along with Dalhia and Chrysanthemum. Comes in Various colours.


  1. I love flowers in my garden. Thanks for flowers and details.

    1. Thanks Rajesh for the compliments. Have you grown some in these winter?

    2. I love flowers in my garden. Thanks for flowers and details.

  2. Hello Neeraj,
    I want to have colorful flowering plants for my balcony (to bloom in oct). Can u plz suggest some to be sown in July-Aug?

    1. Namaskar Avasthi ji

      Sorry for looking very late at your question.
      Please let me know about the duration of sunlight your balcony get in winter and at what time and how many flower pots you have?

  3. Namaskar Avasthi ji

    Sorry for looking very late at your question.
    Please let me know about the duration of sunlight your balcony get in winter and at what time and how many flower pots you have?

  4. These flowering plants are so nice and so good to decorate our Home, Thanks.

    1. Thanks Anadi. Yeah also give peace of mind when you see them grow.

  5. Wow....thanku neeraj....i really thanx 4 this info..
    Kya muze different flowers ke bare me jankari mil sakti hai?

  6. Mai Maharashtra me rehta isme se..kaunse flower plants mai apne garden me laga sakta hoo?

    1. Dear Mangesh, in these winter season, any of the flower mentioned above will grow well. Try Dhalia(Sun), Cineraria(Shade), dog flowers(Sun), panzy(Sun), Salvia(shade), Asslysuim(for borders), Marigold(African, height will be very short, flower is bigger than normal), french marigold for border

    2. Thank you Neeraj there are you on FB page??...
      i want to plant & grow some flower plants & boarder flower plants, green plants in this season.... :)

  7. There is a mini poinsettia like flower blooming in Bangalore. What is the name please?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Could you please post some pic of that flower? Will help in identifying. Thanks


      In india, its called panchgani....
      Please correct me, if I am wrong.

  8. i want to grow these flower plants at my home....can u please tell me the approx cost of evry flower plant....

    1. The cost is not too much. Growing from seeds is very cheap. each packets costs 5-10 bucks and each sampling of chrysanthmum, dhaliya's double or hybrid variety may cost 10 bucks. Appx in 500-1000 rupees, you will have good garden in totality.

  9. lovely attempt.requires some improvement .

    1. Thanks for compliments. Please provide feedback on improvement needed.

  10. Sweet Peas is very beautiful plant and with nice fragrance. You can grow them along the fencing. What you can do, get the seeds of Sweet peas and plant them at distance of about 2-3 inches and let them grow and when they become 2-3 feet tall, provide them the support by tieing them with thread along with grill and they will look beautiful once in full bloom. look at this picture from my garden

  11. i want to grow these flowers with seeds..i tried but neither of them germinates.
    please tell me whole process of growing seeds for saplings

    1. Sorry for very late reply.
      Some care need to be taken.
      1. You should have good mixture of soil and natural manure and compost.
      2. The combination should be looses, it should not be hard.
      3. Put the seeds just 1 inches(rough estimate is half of length of finger next to thumb) and bulbs 2 inches deep.
      4. Keep it hydrated, not over water.
      5. if winter, then put them in sun( not direct, if hot) and in summer, in shade(with sunlight)
      6.In winter, take special care that if frost, or low temp, put them pots or tray inside the house till the temperature get better.

  12. Hey Thanku Neeraj ji....i bt pittuniya, Calendula, winka's & . can i grow...

    1. Yes, you can start preparing now, take care in december, january, the peak of winter. Feburary, March, you will see the result. Right now, you can grow Chrysanthemum and dhalia. they come in 100 of varieties that you may not think others. Cineneria is one of the plant I recommend if u have some shady area. Maintenence free and make ur garden awesome.

  13. Replies
    1. Its right time to sow the seeds of Calendula, and other seeds. Now, Its the time to plant the sapling of Chrysanthemum and dhalia and pittuniya. For all these, try hybrid variety. Try growing seeds of ceneneria. It will fill the garden with colors.

  14. Mai Jamnagar Gujarat me rahne wala hoon. Mujhe ye bataoye ki Ab January Aur Feb paas me hain to Above list me se kain se flowers Sow karne chahiye. Ya koi aur flowers to plz mujhe other flowers ke name bhejiye.

    plz mail me to

    1. Please start when you get the hint of winters. I think that its best time.

      Helichrysum(Paper Flower)

  15. very nice flowers you have grown .which flower i can grow in summer. what is the season of Tulip n how can i grow it?

  16. Thanks for giving details on these lovely spring blooms. I am very fond of gardening and have most of them in my balcony garden. I will follow your tips and try and grow them from scratch next season

    I have two questions-

    1. Could you please suggest some good summer flowers that I can start growing. I am Delhi based and the sun here gets very harsh. Please share names of summer flowers and plants that can withstand Delhi heat and yet flower.

    2. I have a lily plant in my balcony for more than 4 months but it hasn't flowered yet. What is the season or month in which lily bears flowers?

    Looking forward to your response.


    1. Cosmos, cockscomb, mariegold and zinnia grow well in Delhi heat.

  17. hello.....really woderful pics n info about the winter flowers.....tried to see the pics on ur facebook account bt probably u have locked the pics....can i c them coz i am very fond of flowers

    1. Please check them now, as they are shared as public view.

  18. Hi iam from delhi and want to know what folwers seeds to be sown during the month of july and august so as to see them bloom during winter
    I want them for my roof
    And balcony which gets only morning sun as the house is north facing

    1. Try now. Chrystanthmum(saplings), dhalia(saplings), Cineneria(u can grow from seeds as well as plants), panzy(plants), Marigold(African as well as french marigold). you can grow some of these from seeds, but need controlled temperature.

  19. I am from Noida.Want to know which flowers seeds to be sown during sept to bloom during winter.I want them for balcony and front varanda,but sun comes only for few hours as my home is south -west facing

    1. Chrystanthmum, dhalia, Cineneria(shade), panzy, Marigold(African as well as french marigold)

  20. I am from chattisgarh and i want some plants(winter) for my garden.please suggest me.

  21. i want to grow beautiful different kinds of flowers in the school. can you help.

  22. sir,..your information about the plants is very helpful....I just want to ask whether sweet peas n tulips will grow in my east facing balcony in pune???? please please guide me.

  23. This is really informative and I will for sure refer my friends the same.
    send flowers online

  24. First of sincere apoplogy to all my friends for late reply. Thanks for posting your question and showing interest in making your surrounding beautiful.

    1. Brother neeraj kindly answer all the question which was ask by some follower

      because some question is same,as i am going to ask you , kindly reply

    2. Thanks Shahab for bringing to my attention. I appreciate it. I am trying to answer the queries as and when get the time, but I will try to be more quick in replying. Thanks for visiting.

  25. Hi neeraj, are the above flowers grown in ur garden or these are just the pic from the net, pls reply.

    1. Hi Roopa

      To be honest, these pics are from internet and they are here for information purpose.However, I have experience with them in growing, but did not have the real pics with me. So, I selected those which I know personally. Have a look at

      India's gardening

      Dallas Gardening

    2. Hi neeraj, i just want to know if this is the right time to plant gladiolaus in my garden n how do i recognize the blubs.

    3. Gladiolaus is basically summer flower. You can plant them around March-April when spring is about to come, when winter is on decline.

    4. hi neeraj, are u sure b'cos my gardener is planting it right now for winters

    5. Hi neeraj, i'm in gwalior (MP).

    6. Sorry,but gladiolus is not a summer flower.Roopa, your gardener is doing correct work

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. hello neeraj ji
    sir i live in jharkhand and i want some very nice blooming flowers in winters can you suggest

  28. Hi Neeraj,
    I am from gwalior, and here temperature varies a lot in summers its 48 degree Celsius and in winters it goes down to 0-2 degree Celsius, i have few plants at my home terrace, namely tulsi, curry leaves etc. as winters are already there i can see that all the plants leaves are turning yellow, will shifting them under a tin shed help ?? what to do if i want to save them from winters ?? i have a tin shed which i can use to accommodate them, its covered from all sides but have glasses so that sun can penetrate, will it help ???

  29. Hi Neeraj,
    can you please suggest me from where to get tulip and hyacinth bulbs and daffodil bulbs too jaipur as i am unable to found them here in jaipur

  30. Can these be seeded right now in noida i am in a college having lot of space with sun n ground

  31. i got few asiatic lilis but they got crowded in the small pot i changed the pot n divided the bulbs. but the leave all got saggy n drooped so i cut them off all as someone suggested me now im afraid whether it will grow back or not plz help!!!

  32. Sir I want to know that can I Grow guldaudi throw seeds. If yes where can I find seeds on this plant. Please reply sir

    1. Hi Amit, Guldaudi (chrysanthemum) is much easier to grow through cuttings. If you still need seeds you can buy them from any good nursery or online through sites such as

  33. I want to make a new garden ...Plz give me step by step advice

    1. I would suggest you to buy/ arrange some basic things like Khurpa,Compost, Coco peat, sand,Moss grass,Bone meal fertilizer, Micronutrient mix, NPK(Soluble fertilizer), Fungicide, Insecticide, Containers etc.
      Different plants needs different conditions to grow. You can grow the plants according to season. The winter flowering plants should be stated in september to october while summer flowering plants must be sown in february to march. You can also buy Bulbs/corms. Winter flowering bulbs are Daffodil, Dahalia etc while Kalla, tuberose, Amyrallis, football lily, Zephyarnthus etc are summer flowering. You can also grow ornamental bulbs in summers like Caladium. There are plant shops from where you can buy these. In Delhi there are many shops in old delhi at Subzi-mandi chowk 7 in south delhi the address is Adchini near IIT, Delhi. You can search internet to know about the seeds & plant shops. Growing conditions of plants. Best of luck

  34. Thanks for good info.. You can have a look at my attempt to create a Terrace Garden with Winter/Spring flowers...


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  37. Tremendous Informations ....Good.

  38. hi sir

    plz suggest me some flowers for winter to grow in pots and in semi shade areas

  39. Pls advice plants for pots and rows for winter in dehradoon

    1. Not sure of annuals but you can grow spring flowering bulbs like tulips, crocous, paperwhites, daffodils etc. If you can find some

  40. Hi, I am waiting your reply on above. I hv 300 sq yards of lawn with part sunlight and part shade

  41. Hi, I am based in Delhi and have poured the seeds of Lavender in 12" pot, 02 months ago but nothing has grown so far, Please advice if the plant will grow.

    1. Can you tell me where you got them from?
      An idea that worked for me and might work for you, fill a plastic container without holes with soil. Put in some seeds and cover with a very thin layer of soil. Put this in a plastic bag and seal it. With the increase in humidity and will aid germination.

  42. plz suggest me which seed should be planted in January that will going to bloom in march.

    1. Not sufficient time left. Plant some cosoms and mariegold, they might flower in April. You can buy some amaryllis plants. They bloom in march end. Buying bulbs will be cheaper but they won't be available till Feb end and will flower late. It is simply called lily in local language.

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  44. Nice Information. Please give some information abour how and when to prepare seeds of these plants, if you can. Thanks

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  47. Hi Neeraj
    Can you please help me what to sow in August. I mean what can I in the last few days of August. I don have much information and I want to do it outdoor. I have a big garden and big terrace. So please help

  48. Hi, kindly suggest which flower seeds to.sow in september. I live in gurgaon and only one balcony of my flat is exposed to direct sunlight for few hours.Space is v limited of 2-3pots. Kindly suggest accordingly. Other balconies have no direct sun. Can I grow flowers there as well? If yes...suggest names plz. Thanx

  49. Hi, kindly suggest which flower seeds to.sow in september. I live in gurgaon and only one balcony of my flat is exposed to direct sunlight for few hours.Space is v limited of 2-3pots. Kindly suggest accordingly. Other balconies have no direct sun. Can I grow flowers there as well? If yes...suggest names plz. Thanx

  50. Just reached you blog while browsing. It is a very informative and well written article on winter flowers. Have you not continued the blog? I suggest you do so and enrich the gardeners with you knowledge.

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  51. I really love flowers but i do not have sugest if i can plant some in pots

  52. Thanks for the guidance, lovely blog. Keep up the good work!

  53. Where all these plants and seeds available

  54. I live in Gurgaon and would like to know which flowers can be planted in November. Thanks.

  55. I would like to know what seeds could be sown in November in Punjab by children so that they needn't wait too long to see the plant fruit or flower and which will stay through peak winter

  56. I would like to know what seeds could be sown in November in Punjab by children so that they needn't wait too long to see the plant fruit or flower and which will stay through peak winter

  57. which is the best flower which can be grown in shade in punjab during november and december

  58. i have sowed aster & helichrisum seed in mid oct but no seed got germinate,and i bought Dahlia plant ,it is also got died .i think ,my mistake is to put in full guide me ,thanks

  59. neeraj ji main hapur near ghaziabad and meerut ka hu main apne yaha kon kon se flowers lga sakta hu i want must reply from your sie my mail ID pls share information on this mail ID

  60. neeraj ji main hapur near ghaziabad and meerut ka hu main apne yaha kon kon se flowers lga sakta hu i want must reply from your sie my mail ID pls share information on this mail ID

  61. neeraj ji main hapur near ghaziabad and meerut ka hu main apne yaha kon kon se flowers lga sakta hu i want must reply from your sie my mail ID pls share information on this mail ID

  62. THANK U so much for this much needed info on winter flowers. Can u please throw some light on petunia and its season to sow seeds . I am from Punjab.
    Waiting for ur reply.

  63. THANK U so much for this much needed info on winter flowers. Can u please throw some light on petunia and its season to sow seeds . I am from Punjab.
    Waiting for ur reply.

  64. Good work, keep it up.

    shandaar zabardast zindabad !!!

  65. hi neeraj , sir you have shared a great knowledge here i want to know more abt floriculture n i hope you wi\ont have problem in sharing me some superb knowledge. we can be in contact on my mail id i.e.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  69. Hi rajesh

    I have a purple flower in my garden.
    I have sown some Ice plant seeds in my garden and I think probably it has come with them. It flowered so well in winters and even its May and very hot here, it is still blooming profousely.

    I am unable to identify that plant. Can you help me with that.

  70. Hello Mr. Neeraj,

    I wanted to know the name of a purple flowering plant in my garden, for which I have sent the pic to you thru facebook chat... pls check and revert me here

  71. Commendable pictures and presentation. Kudos

  72. Commendable pictures and presentation. Kudos

  73. very informative . please guide me , which flowers to put (sow) in monsoon in gwalior MP.

  74. Hi. I live in noida UP. And know which to flowerbseeds to plant now for the coming season.

  75. Hi. I live in noida UP. And know which to flowerbseeds to plant now for the coming season.

  76. I would like to thank for creating this interesting blog and i got good time to read this blog. Flowerngift

  77. Pansy ,daisy,p hlox,petunia,candituff,portulaca grandflira,sweet william. Ye seed mene mangaye hai en sab ki seedling sep last or oct ke strting me ki jaa sakti hai . Plz bataye or seed bone ke vaad dhoop me rakhu yaa room me ye bhi bataye

  78. Pansy ,daisy,p hlox,petunia,candituff,portulaca grandflira,sweet william. Ye seed mene mangaye hai en sab ki seedling sep last or oct ke strting me ki jaa sakti hai . Plz bataye or seed bone ke vaad dhoop me rakhu yaa room me ye bhi bataye

  79. nice blog thank for sharing this

  80. I hv a garden plz suggest me some flowers that I can plant in the ground directly? I live in Punjab. ...My garden receives quite much sunlight also

    1. Winters are a good season for flowers. Try first with guldaudi which is available in different colours. Then you can grow sunflowers directly in the ground,salvia gives very bright red spot, try it on. A little later in Jan or Feb plant petunia, daisy in amazing different clours in pots or ground . Hope this was helpful.

  81. You havent mentioned Petunia anywhere..

  82. I need to plant flowers near Indore, Madhya Pradesh. The area is on a slope with terraces. Would want to plan in such a manner that it is in full bloom from around mid March to mid mid April.

    How should I actually go about about it in terms of variety and timelines. Can something be planted right now for flowering in Dec/ Jan?

    Can somebody suggest a yearly schedule and variety??



  83. Hi, Thanks for the information. I have planted bulbs of Lili, tuberose and Gladious in the start of December in Noida. I have sowed those bulbs in pot. they have not sprouted yet. When will they sprout and should i expect them to flower in summer. I am very new to this and not sure if i did the right thing. Please suggest. thanks.

  84. Last week of December,what winter flower seeds can be down this time

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. i am looking for a flower called LOBELIA and BLACK EYED SWAN but some how nobody knows about this in Gurgaon/ Delhi. Can some one help

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    1. I have dropped an Email to you "Subject- Query from Delhi", please check !!!

      Gurpreet Singh

  88. Thank you so much for such easy and in depth knowledge.... Really helped a lot

  89. i have developed a garden on covered dda nallah which is blooming so beautifully .it is in lajpat nagar 1,i block new delhi.its time now to change for summer flowers

  90. What is the ideal pot mixture for bonsai plants?

  91. I brought 6 anthurium plants i shift all to big pot every thing is ok but now flowers are dying i dont know why is the weather of chandigarh is not suitable for this plant

  92. I brought 6 anthurium plants i shift all to big pot every thing is ok but now flowers are dying i dont know why is the weather of chandigarh is not suitable for this plant

  93. I am staying in I am planning for flow for winters in my garden..which type of flowers in September I can sow now

  94. In my side area...soil is very hard and I want to grow some winter vegetables with hard soil

  95. I am staying in I am planning for flow for winters in my garden..which type of flowers in September I can sow now

  96. Hello Neeraj, I stay at a very conjugated place of Delhi. Please guide me which plants I can grow at my place in low light during January. And where the genuine plants/seeds are available

  97. All the flowers pics are really nice...Thanks a lot Neeraj Ji

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